Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Squirrel - Java SQL Client

Why Squirrel ?

SQuirreL SQL is an open-source Java SQL Client program for any JDBC compliant database. Easy configurable by loading jars and can connect to various SQL Servers (MSSQL, MySQL, Sybase...)

You can learn more about Squirrel.

Explore Squirrel

1) Download squirrel-sql-3.4.0-install.jar

2) Run / Execute the jar from console : java -jar squirrel-sql-3.4.0-install.jar

3) Squirrel will get install in your desktop as squirrel plugin under $HOME directory. You  have uninstall script under the same directory to do so.

4) Open the Squirrel client go to Drivers and select the driver, Click modify and load the (Jars for Mysql or MsSQL)  under External class path. 

For MySQL :
mysql-connector.jar - class name : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

For SQL Server 
sqljdbc4.jar - class name : com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver

5) Go to alias and add your 'new alias' with and show your driver. You will be connected to the server and enjoy playing with your squirrel client on connecting to different database servers.

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