Git Bash
- Git Clone project (Get the project into your local)
git clone <git_url>
- Command will show the git master (origin)
git branch
- Command will fetch everything from the master
git fetch
- Checkout the branch / switch to existing branch
git checkout <branch_name>
- Revert a single file (Complete revert like SVN)
git checkout <file_name_includes_path>
- Creating a new branch 'branch_name'
git checkout -b <branch_name>
- Merge specific commit id (Advantage it pushes the same commit version over new branch)
git cherry-pick <218c4e40654a2d53fdaf3f1b47a58867f432b8ed>
- Changes which is in local and not in remote
git log --branches --not --remotes
- Pull the changes into local from git
git pull origin <branch_name>
- Hard reset from local cahanges
git reset --hard HEAD^
- Unstagged a staged file
git reset HEAD .
- Add .gitignore file
touch .gitignore
- Push local changes file into staged
git add <FileName>
- Commit the file into git (From unstagged to stagged)
git commit -m 'commit message' <filename>
- Push the changes into remote branch from local
git push -u origin <branch_name>
- Show the differences in local
git diff .
- Git stash of switching between branches (store the files temperoarty storage and switch to branch (new)). It will help you to store and switch between branches
git stash
- Stashing untracked files (save)
$ git stash -u or $ git stash --include-untracked
- save specific file file specific messages. -u untracked files to push untracked files.
git stash push -u -m "<your message>" <filename_includes_path> [<filename_includes_path>]
- Git show the stash files
git stash show stash@{1}
- Git stash show the stash files diff
git stash show -p stash@{1}
- see the `git stash list` once you see choose and apply specific. --index will stage the file in the same location where you kept earlier
git stash apply stash@{1} --index
- Popping your stash removes the changes from your stash and reapplies the last saved state
git stash pop
- Delete from git stash (storage) the latest
git stash drop [stash_id]
- Remove all from stash
git stash clear
How to Merge:
git checkout <working_branch>
git pull origin <working_branch>
git checkout <master_branch_source_branch>
git pull origin <master_branch_source_branch>
git merge <working_branch_which_you_want_to_merge_in_source>
(Resolve the conflicts if any)
vi <file_name>
git add <resolved_conflict_files>
git commit -m "" <resolved_conflict_files>
git push -u origin <master_branch_source_branch>
- Git Clone project (Get the project into your local)
git clone <git_url>
- Command will show the git master (origin)
git branch
- Command will fetch everything from the master
git fetch
- Checkout the branch / switch to existing branch
git checkout <branch_name>
- Revert a single file (Complete revert like SVN)
git checkout <file_name_includes_path>
- Creating a new branch 'branch_name'
git checkout -b <branch_name>
- Merge specific commit id (Advantage it pushes the same commit version over new branch)
git cherry-pick <218c4e40654a2d53fdaf3f1b47a58867f432b8ed>
- Changes which is in local and not in remote
git log --branches --not --remotes
- Pull the changes into local from git
git pull origin <branch_name>
- Hard reset from local cahanges
git reset --hard HEAD^
- Unstagged a staged file
git reset HEAD .
- Add .gitignore file
touch .gitignore
- Push local changes file into staged
git add <FileName>
- Commit the file into git (From unstagged to stagged)
git commit -m 'commit message' <filename>
- Push the changes into remote branch from local
git push -u origin <branch_name>
- Show the differences in local
git diff .
- Git stash of switching between branches (store the files temperoarty storage and switch to branch (new)). It will help you to store and switch between branches
git stash
- Stashing untracked files (save)
$ git stash -u or $ git stash --include-untracked
- save specific file file specific messages. -u untracked files to push untracked files.
git stash push -u -m "<your message>" <filename_includes_path> [<filename_includes_path>]
- Git show the stash files
git stash show stash@{1}
- Git stash show the stash files diff
git stash show -p stash@{1}
- see the `git stash list` once you see choose and apply specific. --index will stage the file in the same location where you kept earlier
git stash apply stash@{1} --index
- Popping your stash removes the changes from your stash and reapplies the last saved state
git stash pop
- Delete from git stash (storage) the latest
git stash drop [stash_id]
- Remove all from stash
git stash clear
How to Merge:
git checkout <working_branch>
git pull origin <working_branch>
git checkout <master_branch_source_branch>
git pull origin <master_branch_source_branch>
git merge <working_branch_which_you_want_to_merge_in_source>
(Resolve the conflicts if any)
vi <file_name>
git add <resolved_conflict_files>
git commit -m "" <resolved_conflict_files>
git push -u origin <master_branch_source_branch>