Tuesday, October 25, 2011

J2EE - Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition

j2ee - java 2 platform enterprise edition
  • j2ee is widely used for server programming and web-based design application
  • j2ee platform consists of services, api's and protocols to-gether which provides functionality to deploy fault-tolerant, distributed, multi-tier.
  • j2ee has in-build components of JDBC, JSP, java applets, EJB (Enterprise java beans - seperate layer to write business logic), Java servlet API

Distributed computing - A distributed system consists of multiple autonomous computers that communicate through a computer network. In distributed computing, a problem is divided into many tasks, each of which is solved by one or more computers.

Multitier architecture - is a client–server architecture. The most widespread use of multi-tier architecture is the three-tier architecture (presentation tier (User Interface), logic tier (Business logics and fuctionalities), and a data tier (data storage and data access from db)) The three-tier model is a software architecture and a software design pattern.

Advantage : By breaking up an application into tiers, developers only have to modify or add a specific layer, rather than have to rewrite the entire application over.

Multitier Comparison with the MVC architecture : Conceptually the three-tier architecture is linear: However, the MVC architecture is triangular (the view sends updates to the controller, the controller updates the model, and the view gets updated directly from the model.) A fundamental rule in a three tier architecture is the client tier never communicates directly with the data tier; in a three-tier model all communication must pass through the middle tier

Fault-tolerant design - fault-tolerant design is a design that enables a system to continue operation, possibly at a reduced level rather than failing completely. In hardware / software we used to increase the response time. An example in another field is a motor vehicle designed so it will continue to be drivable if one of the tires is punctured. We need to use only for critical operations.

In Operative.One (our software) we used in SalesOrder exports and finance billing exports. Results execute at reduce level to client rather failing the whole operation. Faults will be logged in the log and user can download the failures to verify.

Operative.One (Hardware) : When we have multiple jetty server (jetty01, jetty02) even if 1 jetty server fails another server will perform the operation.

Disadvantages : Reduction of priority of fault correction, Test difficulty, cost (Hardware)

Framework : 
Software framework, a reusable set of libraries or classes for a software system (or subsystem)

  • Application framework, a software framework used to implement the standard structure of an application for a specific operating system
  • Web application framework, a software framework for development of dynamic websites, web applications, and web services
  • Conceptual framework, a set of theories widely accepted enough to serve as the guiding principles of research within a particular discipline.

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