Wednesday, July 19, 2017

AWS Account Migration - Steps for some of the services to migrate from one AWS Account to other

1) Login into AWS account and go to BillingDashboard and find out list of services used.  

Note : There will be charge either 0$ or x$ for used services.

2) Go to VPC dashboard and understand VPC (custom), ElasticIps, Security Group, subnets and create the same in another account (target account you want to migrate)

Note : Only manual snapshot backup can be shared and restored.

Note : aws s3 sync s3://sourceBucket  s3://DestinationBucket  --profile AccountAAdmin --profile AccountBAdmin 
Please make sure the destinationBucket name is different as its unique. Sometimes we try to provide same assuming copy. 

6) ELB : Create LoadBalancer target Group and other details in new account from the existing account. 

7) Lambda, Lex, elasticBeanStack you need to configure the same in new account and copy the code from the old aws account.

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