This is the architecture we used before SOA in our web application.
CPAN Modules which helps more to implement : CGI::Application and HTML::Template
View :
To view the html output page in our web application, we used to design our html designs in
Through CGI runmodes this HTML::Template
Model :
This will contain methods having db operations. Like save(), find(), delete().
For assessor(getter) and mutator(setter) we used Class::MethodMaker module.
Denali::Model::Factory a generic base class for the existing Model class.
The existing model class a constant called TABLE_NAME will be declared,
so that can be used by the Denali::Model::Factory to build the getter and setter
method based upon all the fields for the given TABLE_NAME and the save,
delete and find method will make a call to Denali::DB and Denali::Find.
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