SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
In our Web Application, we implement Service Oriented Architecture. Service will be available to provide objects for the CGI Interface to get and display in view.
Below example SOA in CGI :
If user enter text in the UI, get the inputs using CGI, Need to call the service by passing the parameter.
Service will get the parameter from any applications and if validation needs to do, then it call business method by passing parameters. If the validation returns true from business method then, this will proceed by finding object using model and set the attribute and save the data's into the table using model.
We can call service method to fetch the data too. This method will intern call model to fetch data from table and this get_service will return data to any application.
This will be call from service. This will get the input as parameter and based on the code written, validation or rules or logic it performs its action and it return the output.
This will be called under service or business. This will perform only fetching and saving operations into the table.
Direct query method will comes under the model.
Rules :
* CGI run modes can call only Service methods.
* CGI run modes can call many services methods.
* Even it's an single business rule, CGI run modes not allow to call. It should call via Service method.
* Service methods can call both Business methods and Model methods.
* Business methods can call only Model methods.
* Even business necessity to call service, it should not. Instead business method can call many business methods.
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