How to Load Javadocs / Java Source attachment for a specific jar (for example lucene-core):
In the project Explorer->select lucene-core*.jar -> right click and select properties -> select Javadoc location -> add lucene doc location folder to it. (Extract lucene doc jar from the distribution and provide the location)
How to load External Jars
Create / Open a class file -> Go to Project tab -> Properties -> (Search) java build path -> Click 'Add External Jars' -> select your jar and 'ok'
To see all shortcuts in Eclipse
Shift + Ctrl + l (L) - To open the preference page or to see all shortcuts
Alt + Shift + j - Add javadocs for methods or classes. Keep the cursor over method and press it.
ctrl + shift + r - Open Resource
ctrl + shift + c - comment a line of code / un-comment a line of code
ctrl + shift + g - Reference
ctrl + shift + d - To remove a single line
ctrl + shift + / (backslash) - comment a block (select a block you want to comment and use the shortcut key)
ctrl + shift + \ (forwardslash) - uncomment a block (select a block you want to comment and use the shortcut key)
Alt+Shirt+R – rename refactoring
ctrl + shift + o (oh!) - Remove unwanted warnings
ctrl + shift + f - Align the file.
ctrl + d = delete a line
Add Jars using Variable
Select Project (Folder - Folder with J, S, tag on it) -> properties -> java build path -> Libraries -> Add Variable -> select variable and click 'Extend...'. -> select the jar and ok.
If you need to add variables click 'Configure Variables...'
Required project on a build Path :
From 1 project if you need to load other projects classes, libraries from "java build path" "Projects" you can add projets. So, in 1 project DAO, DO you can call from other projects.
How to add Spring Capabilities to your Project :
Right click the project folder, and select Spring Tools -> Add Spring Project Nature, to add Spring capabilities to the web project. This feature will be available once you install the Spring IDE.
Import images into Eclipse folder
Drag and drop the images into the eclipse folder you want.
Install subversion plug-in on eclipse
In Eclipse -> Help -> Eclipse Market Place -> search "subclipse" and install.
In the project Explorer->select lucene-core*.jar -> right click and select properties -> select Javadoc location -> add lucene doc location folder to it. (Extract lucene doc jar from the distribution and provide the location)
How to load External Jars
Create / Open a class file -> Go to Project tab -> Properties -> (Search) java build path -> Click 'Add External Jars' -> select your jar and 'ok'
To see all shortcuts in Eclipse
Shift + Ctrl + l (L) - To open the preference page or to see all shortcuts
Alt + Shift + j - Add javadocs for methods or classes. Keep the cursor over method and press it.
ctrl + shift + r - Open Resource
ctrl + shift + c - comment a line of code / un-comment a line of code
ctrl + shift + g - Reference
ctrl + shift + d - To remove a single line
ctrl + shift + / (backslash) - comment a block (select a block you want to comment and use the shortcut key)
ctrl + shift + \ (forwardslash) - uncomment a block (select a block you want to comment and use the shortcut key)
Alt+Shirt+R – rename refactoring
ctrl + shift + o (oh!) - Remove unwanted warnings
ctrl + shift + f - Align the file.
ctrl + d = delete a line
Line Numbers in Eclipse
To turn on line numbering in Eclipse, simply do the following;
1) Windows -> Preferences
2) General – > Editors -> Text Editors
2) General – > Editors -> Text Editors
and click the “Show Line Numbers” checkbox
How to modify project into DynamicwebProject, Java and JavaScript
Select the project folder -> right click go to properties -> select "Project Facets" -> select "Dynamic Web Module", "java", "JavaScript"
Need to add folder structure in Project
Select the project folder -> right click go to properties -> select "java build path" -> go to Source tab add Folder
Select Project (Folder - Folder with J, S, tag on it) -> properties -> java build path -> Libraries -> Add Variable -> select variable and click 'Extend...'. -> select the jar and ok.
If you need to add variables click 'Configure Variables...'
Required project on a build Path :
From 1 project if you need to load other projects classes, libraries from "java build path" "Projects" you can add projets. So, in 1 project DAO, DO you can call from other projects.
How to add Spring Capabilities to your Project :
Right click the project folder, and select Spring Tools -> Add Spring Project Nature, to add Spring capabilities to the web project. This feature will be available once you install the Spring IDE.
Extract a Jar file
jar -xvf .jar
Import images into Eclipse folder
Drag and drop the images into the eclipse folder you want.
Install subversion plug-in on eclipse
In Eclipse -> Help -> Eclipse Market Place -> search "subclipse" and install.
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