Monday, December 19, 2011

NoSQL - Not Only SQL
  • NoSQL - Next Generation Database
  • non-relational
  • distributed
  • open-source
  • horizontally scalable
  • schema-free
  • easy replication support
  • Simple API 
  • a huge amount, of data
  • eventually consistent / BASE (not ACID -  (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability)) - Not transactional like RDBMS
In 2011, work began on UnQL (Unstructured Query Language), a specification for a query language for NoSQL databases.[8] It is built to query collections (versus tables) of documents (versus rows) with loosely defined fields (versus columns). UnQL is a superset of SQL within which SQL is a very constrained type of UnQL for which the queries always return the same fields (same number, names and types). However, UnQL does not cover the data definition language (DDL) SQL statements like CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX

Some NoSQL advocates[who?] promote very simple interfaces such as associative arrays or key-value pairs. Other systems, such as native XML databases, promote support of the XQuerystandard.[citation needed] Newer systems such as CloudTPS also support join queries.[18]

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