Saturday, February 11, 2012

Android developers should know this Technical acronyms

Android SDK - Android Software Development Kit
ADT - Android Development Tool
JDK - Java Development Kit
JDT - Java Development Tool
Emulator - Virtual mobile device to run android development apps on your computer
AVD - Android Virtual Device
APK - Android Application Package File (Its a file to install and distribute application to Android OS)
ADB - Android Debug Bridge
Ogg is a free, open container format maintained by the Xiph.Org Foundation. The creators of the Ogg format state that it is unrestricted by software patents[4] and is designed to provide for efficient streaming and manipulation of high quality digital multimedia.
dpi - Dot Per Inch
hdpi - high dot per Inch
mdpi - medium dot per Inch
ldpi - low dot per Inch
320dp: a typical phone screen (240x320 ldpi, 320x480 mdpi, 480x800 hdpi, etc).

If you want to be a android developer click here. Complete documentation and API's available for you.
If you questions keep post in Android Forum

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