How to check windows version from windows box ?
Press "Windows Key" in search "winver" and click.
In windows use software "Fedora Linux USB Creator" to have USB in fedora.
Installing Fedora Linux on Windows (Dual booting) :
Shrink / re-size the partition Drive and add partition in Windows 7 for free up space and install linux
Fedora installed with a customized partition
Easybcd software for windows (Easy boot device) : This will use to add linux in bootstrap like grub in bootup.
Install Java on Fedora (You can search the jdk version in oracle):
Download RPM only for 32-bit / 64-bit (.rpm.bin) will download
Give full permission (chmod 777 .bin)
execute ./*.bin (This will extract the rpm and install java in your box)
In .bashrc file :
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_24"
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
Install only jdk from above link. J2EE will be available in Eclipse.
In Fedora everything is (yum update, yum install, yum search ....)
Install Eclipse : (Eclipse for Java EE Developers)
Subclipse in eclipse :
Install subclipse on windows :
Once subclipse is installed open "SVN Repository Explorer" in Eclipse (Windows -> Open Perspective). Right click 'New' and provide url to checkout data from svn.
Fedora Launcher on gnome3 :
Install Tomcat :
rpm query (package_name), rpm -e(erase), rpm -i (install)
AdObe Flash builder 4 linux (Needed for flex) : (There is a tab in this link for downloads)
b. Restart your eclipse. So, eclipse will prompt to configure flex in eclipse
c. You need flex sdk as well
Installed skype, google-chrome*, yum list mysql mysql-server, yum install mysql mysql-server
Command to start mysql
Add mysql service to start up
Check whether the mysql is added in startup
chkconfig --list | grep 'mysql'
Install Terracota cache:
1) Copy the file terracotta-ee-3.5.3.tar.gz from the server ( , path - /opt
2) untar it into your local /opt
4) Copy the folder configbackup/tcconf from the same path into /opt/terracotta
5) Start the cache server ( from the bin directory) as - nohup ./ -f /opt/terracotta/tcconf/tc-config.xml -n TCServer1 &
6) Check the nohup log.It should come up without any errors
Note : Change the terracota configuration in tcconf/tc-config.xml. So, your logs data will not get lost.
Monitor the terracota data
Run : /opt/terracotta/bin/
Press "Windows Key" in search "winver" and click.
In windows use software "Fedora Linux USB Creator" to have USB in fedora.
Installing Fedora Linux on Windows (Dual booting) :
Shrink / re-size the partition Drive and add partition in Windows 7 for free up space and install linux
Fedora installed with a customized partition
Easybcd software for windows (Easy boot device) : This will use to add linux in bootstrap like grub in bootup.
Install Java on Fedora (You can search the jdk version in oracle):
Download RPM only for 32-bit / 64-bit (.rpm.bin) will download
Give full permission (chmod 777 .bin)
execute ./*.bin (This will extract the rpm and install java in your box)
In .bashrc file :
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_24"
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
Install only jdk from above link. J2EE will be available in Eclipse.
In Fedora everything is (yum update, yum install
Subclipse in eclipse :
Install subclipse on windows :
Once subclipse is installed open "SVN Repository Explorer" in Eclipse (Windows -> Open Perspective). Right click 'New' and provide url to checkout data from svn.
rpm query (package_name), rpm -e(erase)
AdObe Flash builder 4 linux (Needed for flex) : (There is a tab in this link for downloads)
b. Restart your eclipse. So, eclipse will prompt to configure flex in eclipse
c. You need flex sdk as well
Installed skype, google-chrome*, yum list mysql mysql-server, yum install mysql mysql-server
Command to start mysql
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
Add mysql service to start up
systemctl enable mysqld.service
Check whether the mysql is added in startup
chkconfig --list | grep 'mysql'
Install Terracota cache:
1) Copy the file terracotta-ee-3.5.3.tar.gz from the server ( , path - /opt
2) untar it into your local /opt
2a) Rename terracotta-ee-3.5.3.tar.gz folder to terracotta
3) Copy the configbackup/terracotta-license.key from the same path into your local /opt/terracotta4) Copy the folder configbackup/tcconf from the same path into /opt/terracotta
5) Start the cache server ( from the bin directory) as - nohup ./ -f /opt/terracotta/tcconf/tc-config.xml -n TCServer1 &
6) Check the nohup log.It should come up without any errors
Note : Change the terracota configuration in tcconf/tc-config.xml. So, your logs data will not get lost.
Monitor the terracota data
Run : /opt/terracotta/bin/
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